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Family & Matrimonial Disputes

Our Practice Area

Family-related matters encompass more than just divorce disputes. While many people assume that family lawyers only handle divorce cases, their expertise extends to a wide range of issues.

Divorce in Malaysia

There are 2 types of divorces, namely Joint Divorce Petition and Single Divorce Petition. 

custody; divorce lawyer malaysia

Common grounds for annulment is non-consummation of the marriage. 

Parties tend to opt for Judicial Separation when there is hardly any room to proceed with divorce. 

Petition Declaration

This is a process of obtaining an order from the Court prior to registering or updating the Foreign Divorce Orders in Malaysia, particularly with Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN).

Divorce Lawyer Malaysia; Divorce Lawyer KL

Parent usually opts for an interim child custody application prior to the filing of the divorce or during the divorce stage. 

adoption in malaysia

Child Adoption by way of a Court Procedure ensures the adoptive parents obtaining a NEW BIRTH CERTIFICATE instead of the Adoption Certificate. 

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